Sunday, September 7, 2008

Encounter: "Tomato"

There James-Boy was at the table, contentedly taking toys out from a metal box and putting them back in. Granted, the toys belonged to Thomas, so I alerted him. "It's fine, Mom," Thomas called. "He's not hurting them." So I went back to changing baby Genevieve. I glanced back to find James pulling apart what looked like red paper, and went to investigate. Ah, another cherry tomato, I thought as I drew closer.

James-Boy has been snitching cherry tomatoes from the garden during the last couple weeks. I've tried to discourage him, but haven't been completely strict simply because he and I are the only ones in the family who will even eat tomatoes, and he's done pretty well at choosing the ripe ones. Well, the boy may never want to eat a tomato again
. . . because it only LOOKED like one this time. By the time I put down Genevieve and got to James, he had taken several bites of one of Glenn's habernero peppers.

As he screamed and clawed at his burning mouth, I grabbed him and tried to use enough soap and baking soda to get rid of the habernero oil from his hands. I stuffed him in the highchair and gave him bread and milk. He started to calm down. OK, I thought. At least he didn't get it in his eyes. So I washed up my own hands and grabbed the crying Genevieve, only to put her down again as James renewed his screams at higher volume. Sure enough, he'd managed to rub habernero oil into his eyes.

Now he was wildly kicking, screaming, and making it worse by rubbing more oil into his eyes. I grabbed him, rewashed his hands, tried to hold them down at his sides and simultaneously run a bath, called for Glenn, and appreciatively saw Thomas pick up the still-crying Genevieve. By this time, my hands and forearms, which had contacted the oil briefly while cleaning James, were actively stinging - so I could only imagine the pain he was in!

Into the bath he went, and at Glenn's suggestion I added Aveeno oatmeal bath to it. The Aveeno package says it will do no harm if "accidentally ingested." Hopefully they mean "deliberately" as well: after a bit, the curiosity of James-Boy won over his pain and he grabbed at the globs of oatmeal to stuff them into his mouth. He seemed downright delighted at having gotten away with said action. I figured this did more good than harm and let him sprinkle more from the packet into the bath. He actually giggled (from his poor swollen, bright-pink face) as he made Aveeno "snow" fall on his bath toys.

A half-hour later (after more drama: why must toddlers poop in every bath that lasts longer than five minutes?), the swelling had gone down and there were only traces of pink across his face and under his eyes. This morning, you'd never know it had even happened. Hmm. Will this have inoculated him to spice, so that few things seems hot in comparison? Or will he shy away from all things the least bit spicy?

I'm thinking I'll still have to watch him around the tomatoes.


The Domestic Goddess said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere! Regarding James and the Giant Pepper, from what I know of mischievous two year old boys, that little incident will do little to deter him from going at the peppers again. But that would mean more blog fodder, eh?

Nicole Maki said...

Poor little sprout!

Sounds like he handled the situation with little boy boldness.

You sure have your hands full!

You know, I never had to deal with anyone pooping in the tub - thankfully :-)

Welcome to blogging, you are so entertaining!

P.S. I'm going to add you to my blog roll.

Lori Watson said...

Yay! You have a blog! Fun, fun!

I have had children poop in the tub. Not recently, heehee, but as toddlers. One particular child gas and laughing at the bubbles. I know, weird, but then, we are weird.

So sorry JamesBoy endured the pepper test but at least you didn't have to pull out the yogurt. ;-)

Joni said...

Hooray for your blog!!!! Poor Poor James. :( I am thinking though if I know Glenn that he's at least part proud of James for eating the pepper. :D

MaryEllen said...

Dawn: Yes, I have already found him picking the peppers again...but not eating them!

Nicole: Aw, man! You were spared the tub poop! I think your family deserves to be spared it, though, with the spectacularness of other types of incidents you've had going.

Lori: Actually, I forgot to mention in the blog that he'd consumed yogurt in the tub along with the oatmeal, so it was all one big comforting soup of sorts. All previous to the poop, thankfully.

Joni: Yes. You know Glenn well!

It makes me smile hugely to see you all gathered here. Wish I had a transporter to beam us all somewhere for a girls' night (heck, WEEK) out.